Thursday, November 4, 2010

The 8 Do's and Don'ts of Commuter Etiquette

As a Hoboken commuter, I am often ammused, while simultaneously baffled by some of the outrageous characters I encounter on the MTA subways of New York. But, once in a while I also encounter some rather strange personalities on the PATH system as well. To avoid the "what were they thinking?" stares, I've composed the following list of tips and PATH-appropriate etiquette for daily commuter.

1. DO Prepare for your commute

Trekking all the way back to your apartment from the PATH or the city because you forgot something for work is never fun. If you are as scatter brained as I am, pack the night before to ensure you have everything you need for the next day.

2. DON'T turn your commute into a Marathon

Mornings can be rough, but made even rougher with the prospect of being late for work, a class, or an appointment. Plan time accordingly and always leave extra time for peace of mind. Trust me, you look ridiculous when you're running to catch the train and get caught in the closing doors.

3. DON'T put makeup on during your commute

One of my biggest pet peves, personally, is when a girl puts on her makeup on the PATH. From foundation to liner, I've seen it all. Aren't women scared of coming out looking like a clown or poking yourself in the eye accidently? Wake up five minutes earlier or save it for the bathroom..

4. DO avoid any outlandish behavior

Yes, it may be entertaining to put on a show for you and a couple of friends after a night of drinking in Hoboken or the city. But, there's nothing more obnoxious than a bunch of drunk baffoons singing "Captain Jack" on a 1am Path ride!

5. DO practice safe traveling

While we all love to get a little roudy in the city after a long work-week, there's nothing worse than getting on the PATH completely obliterated. Sitting on a crowded, fast-moving train is not a desirable because the spins may be a common side effect. Moreover, if you need to take a cab, it's worth the money for emergencies, late night PATH trains can take up to an hour at late points in the night.

6. DO know your boundaries

Even with your obvious protective gear- IPod, IPad, Kindle, Newspaper, sunglasses- there are always the one's who avoid the tell-tale signs of the "leave me alone" gear and never cease to bother you. To those of you who can't get the hint, remember that between the hours of 6am and 9am, it's best to stay to one's self before the others have had their much needed coffee fix.

7. DO bring all the necessary hardware

In addition, the commuter essentials make the daily commute go by so much more pleseantly. Draining obnoxious conversation with some Led Zeppellin makes the experience almost worth having. For some real peace of mind check out these noising eliminating headphones by BOSE - they are worth the large price tag.

8. DO check advisories

Whether you listen to the radio, watch your local new station, or check online news in the morning, there's nothing worse the underestimating your day's commute because of a delay in service. Do yourself a favor and get PATH advisories sent to your cell phone, it's free and convenient.

While we continue to dread our daily commutes into the city, there are ways to bring about a more enjoyable experience for ourselves and others!

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